West Mercia Beagle Club


Open Show



Sunday 1st March 2015


Judge : Mrs K Nash (Kelseva)


Best in Show: Baldev Hells Angel
Reserve Best in Show & Best Opposite Sex: Raimex Brittany JW
Best Puppy in Show: Barrvale Zorro
Best Veteran in Show: Ch Bedeway Artful JW
Best Special Beginners: Arpege Yordannis De Cuba


Best Dog: Baldev Hells Angel
Reserve Best Dog: Janfrey Randal Upon Rundle JW Sh.CM
Best Puppy Dog: Barrvale Zorro
Best Veteran Dog: Ch Bedeway Artful JW
Minor Puppy Dog - Entries 6, 1 Abs, 1 W/D
1st - Nedlaw Benedict
2nd - Arpege Wundurra
3rd - Charterwood Saga
4th - Canowindra Alexander

Puppy Dog - Entries 8, 2 Abs, 1W/D
1st - Barrvale Zorro
2nd - Molesend Orlando (AI)
3rd - Charterwood Flagship
4th -  Dialynne Solace at Gemark
5th - Deaconfield Informer

Junior Dog - Entries 4, 1 
1st - Molesend Orlando (AI)
2nd - Raimex Barnaby
3rd - Nedlaw Basil

Yearling Dog - Entries 4 
1st - Janfrey Randal Upon Rundle JW Sh.CM
2nd - Raimex Barnaby
3rd - Arpege Vindicator
4th - Nedlaw Basil
Graduate Dog - Entries 5
1st - Lanesend Segenhoe JW
2nd - Canowindra Ursus
3rd - Dialynne Man After Midnight
4th - Arpege Vindicator
5th - Charterwood Crusader
Post Graduate Dog - Entries 2
1st - Bondlea Legion JW
2nd - Bondlea Layman
Limit Dog - Entries 6, 2 Abs
1st - Baldev Hells Angel
2nd - Southistle Educate From Charterwood
3rd - Deaconfield Governor
4th - Lanesend Carroo
Open Dog - Entries 5, 2 Abs
1st - Janfrey Osborn
2nd - Molesend Kaftan JW
3rd - Just Jamie Sh CM
Veteran Dog - Entries 7, 1 Abs
1st - Ch Bedeway Artful JW
2nd - Barrvale Excalibur
3rd - Bondlea Bradman JW Sh CM
4th - Ch Dufosee Ikea
5th - Dynamic Dougla Sh CM
Special Beginners Dog - Entries 3, 1 Abs
1st - Dialynne Solace at Gemark
2nd - Arpege Vindicator

Best Bitch:  Raimex Brittany JW
Reserve Bitch:  Redcap Bella Sorella JW Sh CM
Best Puppy Bitch: Bondlea Dove
Best Veteran Bitch: Bedeway Almond

Minor Puppy Bitch - Entries 6, 2 Abs
1st - Bondlea Dove
2nd - Summerlily Maid in Oz
3rd - Nedlaw Bracelet
4th - Arpege Alkira
Puppy Bitch - Entries 10, 2 Abs
1st - Bondlea Dove
2nd - Summerlily Maid in Oz
3rd - Huntshll Starstruck
4th - Janfrey Sapphire
5th - Huntshill Star Gazer from Barrvale

Junior Bitch - Entries 6, 2 Abs
1st - Huntshill Starstruck
2nd - Springpine Hot Gossip
3rd - Tiger Lilly Blossom
4th - Butterow Plover

Yearling Bitch - Entries 10, 2 Abs
1st - Raimex Brittany JW
2nd - Dufosee Northern Star
3rd - Canowindra Veritable
4th - Moonjoon Lily of the Valleys for Houndscoast
5th - Tiger Lilly Blossom
Graduate Bitch - Entries 7, 1 Abs
1st - Redcap Bella Sorella JW Sh CM
2nd - Dialynne Edge of Glory
3rd - Belarosewell Mystique
4th - Barrvale Ygraine
5th - Arpege Starlight Magic
Post Graduate Bitch - Entries 4, 1 Abs
1st - Arpege Yordannis De Cuba
2nd - Butterow Oriole
3rd - Canowindra Ursulina
Limit Bitch - Entries 8, 3 Abs
1st - Dufosee Bianca
2nd - Summerlily Raggy Dol
l3rd - Moonjoon Sweet Nothings Sh CM
4th - Deaconfield Fortune
5th - Butterow Oriole
Open Bitch - Entries 4, 1 Abs
1st - Shercroft Duchess JW
2nd - Barrvale Ursa Minor At Huntshill
3rd - Redcap Folktale of Bondlea

Veteran Bitch - Entries 6, 1 Abs
1st -  Bedeway Almond
2nd - Gemark Melody
l3rd - Barterhound Begonia At Bedeway
4th -  Hollybourne Apple of My Eye at Alandobel
5th -  Barrvale Jigsaw At Huntshill Sh CM

Special Beginners Bitch - Entries 4, 1 Abs
1st - Arpege Yordannis De Cuba
2nd - Davricard Harmony For Trackfoot
3rd - Bellvalley Dunnit