Open Show
5th March 2023
Judge : Mr Rowan Ford (Heeplyn)

Best in Show – Molesend Dormouse Jw
Reserve Best in Show – Molesend Crumble (Ai)
Best Opposite Sex – Rossut Villein at Molesend
Best Puppy in Show - Rossut Villein at Molesend
Best Dog - Rossut Villein at Molesend
Best Bitch - Molesend Dormouse JW
Best Veteran – Redcap Bella Sorella Jw ShCM
Best Special Beginners – Madika High Flyer at

Line Up
Minor Puppy Dog (5,2 abs)
1st – Rossut Villein at Molesend
2nd - Rossut Vizier for Houndcoast
3rd – Troopersway Grecian Boy
Puppy Dog (3, 2 abs)
1st – Rossut Vizier for Houndcoast
Junior Dog (1, 1 abs)
Yearling Dog – (2)
1st - Molesend Dice Jw
2nd – Davricard Picasso at Rhosyndu
Post Graduate Dog (3)
1st – Molesend Dice Jw
2nd – Barrvale Hunter At Awreridge
3rd – Amorpapaver Jupiter
Limit Dog (3)
1st – Molesend Verdict At Roddwood
2nd – Huntshill Up to Trouble
3rd – Dufossee Yardbird at Canowindra
Open Dog (4, 1 abs)
1st – Troopersway Gladiator Jww
2nd – Gemark Eyas
3rd – Huntshill Tornado Jw
Veteran Dog (3, 1 abs)
1st – Lanesend Segenhoe JW
2nd – Black Royal at Rhosyndu Vw
Vintage Dog – No
Special Beginners Dog
1st - Amorpapaver Jupiter
2nd – Davricard Picasso at Rhosyndu
Bitch Line up
Minor Puppy Bitch (5)
1st – Butterow Unity
2nd –Rossut Vestry with Michelroy
3rd – Troopersway Grecian Girl
4th – Rossut Zoomy
5th - Stormpasture Strumpette for Rosroden
Puppy Bitch (5, 2 abs)
1st – Annavah Belinda of Davricard
2nd – Butterow Unity
3rd – Annavah Nocturne at Barrvale
Junior Bitch (5, 3 abs)
1st – Felinoak El Koko Loko
2nd – Madika High Flyer at Bonwillan
Yearling Bitch (4, 3 abs)
1st – Molesend Dormouse Jw
Post Graduate Bitch (6, 1 abs)
1st – Michelroy Pimpernell with Houndcoast Jw
2nd - Butterow Token
3rd – Gemark Enya
4th – Amorpapaver Juno
5th – Clarismore Twist and Shout
Limit Bitch (6, 2 abs)
1st – Molesend Crumble (Ai)
2nd – Detrick Audacity
3rd – Michelroy Pizzazz
4th – Canowindra Kiara
Open Bitch (5, 3 abs)
1st – Gemark Ember
2nd – Butterorw Rumba
Veteran Bitch (6)
1st – Timamso Saskia for Michelroy
2nd – Blitzlilie Winter is Coming
3rd – Awreridge Watercolour Jw
4th – Roddwood Rhea
5th – Davricard Hester
Vintage Bitch (3, 1 abs)
1st – Redcap Bella Sorella Jw
2nd – Dufosee Elinore at Felinoak
Special Beginners Bitch (3)
1st - Madika High Flyer at Bonwillan
2nd – Amorpapaver Juno
3rd – Stormpasture Strumpette for Rosroden
My thanks to the committee for the appointment and for a
well-run show, also to my stewards for their hard work and
efficient management of the ring. Overall quality was
respectable if not spectacular. There were a few hounds carrying
too much or too little weight but the main concern is the
prevalence of poor fronts. Narrow chests and straight shoulders
do not present a balanced picture nor does the latter fault
allow the exhibit to cover the ground with purpose and grace.
These are not traits the breed should be perpetuating. That
said, today’s winners were of a high standard and a pleasure to
MPD (5,2) 1 Goldberg’s Rossut Villein at Molesend What a great
way to start! 8 month tri dog of excellent type with a composure
that belied his age. Appealing head and expression, good reach
of neck into a level topline held well on the move accompanied
by a correct and happily carried tail set. Plenty of heart room,
good bone and tight feet. Substantial quarters drove him round
the ring and he was balanced from all angles. Shone in the best
dog challenge and deserved his accolades, no doubt there will be
many more. BD. BOS. BPIS. 2 Webster’s Rossut Vizier for
Houndscoast. Tan and white litter brother to the winner and
similar comments apply. Not quite as composed on the move and
gave a little away in quarters but has plenty of time on his
side. Another sound puppy. 3 Peterson’s Troopersway Grecian Boy
PD (3,2) 1 Webster’s Rossut Vizier for Houndscoast
YD (2) 1.Leader’s Molesend Dice JW. Tan and White of 18 months.
Another sound dog who was showed to advantage and moved with
purpose and balance. Handsome head on a sufficient reach of neck
into well angulated shoulders. Level topline, correct tail
carriage. Adequate bone on tight feet. 2. Murphy’s Davricard
Picasso at Rhosnydu. Slightly finer tri of 21 months. Kind head
and good reach of neck. Moved exuberantly.
PGD (3) 1 Leader’s Molesend Dice JW. 2 Warner’s Barrvale Hunter
at Awreridge. Of a larger mould and presented a challenge to his
handler but moved out adequately and remained balanced. Good
depth of chest and kind expressive head. 3 Bell-Thomas’
Amorpapaver Jupiter
LD (3) 1 Woodcock’s Molesend Verdict at Roddwood. One I judged
as a puppy and my comments still apply. In great condition and
handled to get the best out of him after an unsettled start.
Handsome head and appealing expression, good reach of neck,
level topline. Adequate bone and neat, tight feet. 2 Wright and
Mitchell’s Huntshill Up to Trouble. Another dog handled to
advantage. Good depth of chest. In great condition with strong
quarters to aid his movement. 3. Richmond’s Dufosee Yardbird at
OD (4,1) 1 Peterson’s Troopersway Gladiator JW Sh.CM Faded tri
of larger mould and could have benefited from a slimmer outline
however this does not detract from his obvious qualities.
Beautiful head with kind eyes, good reach of neck and correct
shoulders and depth of chest. Strong quarters aided his movement
and plenty of bone completed the picture. This was another hound
that gave his all in the challenge and deserved his RBD. 2
Chapman’s Gemark Eyas. T/W dog finer all through than the
winner. Good reach of neck, level topline, moved sufficiently. 3
Wright and Mitchell’s Huntshill Tornado JW Sh,CM
VD (3,1) 1. Phillips and Keyte’s Lanesend Segenhoe JW Sh.CM Tri
of nine and a half years. Another I judged as a youngster and he
has lost none of his spark. Handsome, distinguished head. Moves
out well propelled by powerful quarters. Still in great
condition and clearly enjoying his day. BVD 2. Murphy’s Black
Royal At Rhosnydu Vw Well handled. Good reach of neck into level
topline held well on the move, another enjoying his day.
Special Beginner’s dog (2) 1. Bell-Thomas’ Amorpapaver Jupiter.
Tri Dog, Plenty of heart room, bone and quarters. Adequate reach
of neck. Moved with purpose.
MPB (5) 1 Leonard’s Butterow Unity. Tri Btch of 6 months at her
first show I learned afterwards. Loved her and after an
unsettled start she gave a fine account of herself. Endearing
head, great neck into correct shoulders. Ample fore chest. Held
her topline and tail well on the move. Great quarters and rear
movement. Plenty of bone completed a pleasing outline. 2.
Scarlett’s Rossut Vestry with Michelroy. Another delightful
puppy of a slightly smaller mould who again presented an
appealing outline. Great neck and level topline, moved out well
and pushed 1 all the way. 3 Peterson’s Troopersway Grecian Girl
PB (5,2) 1. Craig’s Annavah Belinda of Davricard. Beautiful 9
month old open tri. Appealing head and gentle disposition. Good
neck, level topline and tail carried happily as she sailed
effortlessly around the ring. Right amount of heart room,
correct angulation fore and aft and short coupling completed a
balanced picture. Movement was true back and forth and graceful
in profile. Unfortunate to be unnecessarily distracted during
the challenge and I hope her handler was appropriately
apologised to. Up against strong competition in the challenges
but will soon have her day. BPB 2. Leonard’s Butterow Unity 3
Davies’ Annavah Nocturne at Barrvale
JB (5,3) 1 Tanner’s Felinoak El Koko Loko. Open tri bitch in
great condition who moved so well in profile. Another who
appealed greatly with a beautiful head and expression. Well
constructed and handled to advantage. 2. Langman’s Madika High
Flyer at Bonwillian Another pretty open tri bitch who gave a
good account of herself and improved with each performance. Also
in good condition, with strong quarters aiding rear movement.
YB (4,3) 1. Goldberg’s Molesend Dormouse JW. Stood alone in the
class but stood out for quality and was the one I could take
home. A beautiful tan and white who didn’t put a foot wrong for
anyone. Enchanting headpiece with dark eyes framed by fine
correctly set leathers. Neck running gracefully into a steady
topline. Well angulated front and back with ample chest.
Quarters strong with the right amount of second thigh aided her
superb movement. Demanded attention and kept it in the
challenges amongst strong competition from her kennelmates. BIS
PGB (6,1) 1. Webster’s Michelroy Pimpernell with Houndscoast JW.
And another beautiful tan and white who showed superbly, always
at one with her handler. Pretty head and elegant lines continued
down through her neck shoulders and topline. Very balanced with
correct angulation that allowed for free and easy movement. Good
bone and tight feet. Extra pounds and poor coat impaired her
from making the challenge a very difficult decision. 2.
Leonard’s Butterow Token. Tri Bitch who free shows perfectly to
catch the eye. Beaten on movement today but on another could
have swapped places with 1. Loved her head and overall balance,
condition and charming temperament.
LB (6,2) 1 Goldberg’s Molesend Crumble (Ai) ran her kennelmate
close in the challenge and could not be denied RBIS. Lost out to
the more purposeful mover but she is another super hound.
Charming head and expression and construction is correct all
through allowing for a balanced picture and sound movement. In
good, hard condition with enough bone set on good tight feet. 2.
Precey’s Detrick Audacity. Tri bitch of a larger mould but
another who presented an appealing outline. Plenty of neck
running into a solid topline, good quarters to propel her round
the ring. Well handled to get the best from her.
OB (5,3) 1. Chapman’s Gemark Ember. Sound bitch of correct
weight who moved very evenly. Nice head and dark eye and a good
reach of neck, short coupled and in excellent condition. 2.
Leonard’s Butterow Rumba. On another day would have swapped
places with 1 but felt she was carrying excess weight and was a
little laidback on the move. Free showing, happy girl who
responds well to her handler. Pretty head and balanced
VB (6) 1. Scarlett’s Timamso Saskia for Michelroy. Splitting
hairs between 1 and 2 but this tri won on sound movement. In
great condition, alert and with a beautiful head. Plenty of bone
and good feet. Well bodied, good spring of rib, short coupled. A
credit to the owner. 2. Mcbain and Steven’s Blitzlillie Winter
is Coming. Similar comments apply but a slightly rangier hound
who was a little unsettled at vital moments. Great reach of neck
and correct front who preferred to be on the move. 3. Warner’s
Awreridge Watercolour JW
Vintage B (3,2) 1. Mcbain & Steven’s Redcap Bella Sorella. 10
year old tri who was also full of animation and was arguably the
best mover of the day as she flows round the ring propelled by
her correct construction. Has an excellent reach of neck and
solid topline. Fading colour takes nothing away from her
appealing head. Judged her as a six month old, she still behaves
like one and is still a very sound beagle. BVIS. 2 Tanner’s
Dufosee Elinore at Felinoak Another really sound tri in superb
condition, good front, hard, substantial quarters and was only
beaten by the superb movement of 1.
Special beginners Bitch 1. Langman’s Madika High Flyer at
Bonwillian 2. Bell-Thomas’ Amorpapaver Juno. Handled well and
balanced when stood, a little fine in head but plenty of body.
Judge: Rowan Ford (Heeplyn) |