Championship Show
Sunday 4th November 2018
Judge : Mrs Margaret Davies (Almarda)


Dog CC: Ch Rossut Endeavoured
Reserve Dog CC: Davricard Harlequin
Best Puppy Dog: Charterwood Category
Best Veteran Dog: Ch Barrvale Overture
Best Special Beginner Bitch:
Bjornhagen Sweet Bay Leaf JW ShCM
Minor Puppy Dog - No Entries
Puppy Dog - Entries 5, 1 Abs
1st Charterwood Category
2nd Annavah Phoenix
3rd Bayard Adam Guessing for Eardley
4th Quincerhound Charmed Leo
Junior Dog - Entries 7
1st Davricard Harlequin
2nd Barrvale Ganymede
3rd Tannahill Kent
4th Blunderhall Moondog
5th Evalux Beatle George of Rossut (Imp It)
Yearling Dog - Entries 5, 1 Abs
1st - Luluwells Major at Donay
2nd Trackfoot Robin Hood
3rd Eardley Alex Tricity at Blunderhall
4th Troopersway Prince George
Novice Dog - Entries 1
1st Barrvale Gannymede
Graduate Dog - Entries 6, 1 Abs
1st Newlin Perth at Molesend
2nd Luluwells Major at Donay
3rd Charterwood Harvest
4th Bjornhagen Sweet Bay Leaf JW ShCM
5th Dufosee Yardbird at Canowindra
Post Graduate Dog - Entries 5, 1 Abs + 1 transfer to Open Dog
1st Blunderhall Sunray
2nd Huntshill Tornado JW
3rd Awreridge Waterbuck
Limit Dog - Entries 3, 1 Abs
1st Donay Fraser JW
2nd Eardley Walk The Talk at Tagahound
Open Dog - Entries 9 + 1 transfer from Post Graduate Dog, 1 Abs
1st Ch Rossut Endeavoured
2nd - Lyndex Kieran
3rd Charterwood Fortune
4th Ch Annavah Felix
5th Janfrey Bosley
Veteran Dog - Entries 5, 2 Abs
1st Ch Barrvale Overture
2nd - Barterhound Garrison
3rd Bjornhagen Lemon Verbena ShCM
Special Beginners Dog - Entries 2, 1 Abs
1st Bjornhagen Sweet Bay Leaf JW ShCM