Championship Show
Sunday 5th November 2017
Judge :
David Craig (Davricard)


Dog CC: Ch Dialynne Peter Piper
Reserve Dog CC: Bellvalley Teen Spirit
Best Puppy Dog: Dialynne Pitch Perfect
Best Veteran Dog: Ch Barrvale Overture
Best Special Beginner Dog:
Rosrodens Debonair
Minor Puppy Dog - Entries 7, 2 Abs
1st Diaylnne Pitch Perfect
2nd Barrvale Flashman
3rd Trackfoot Robin Hood
4th Hajdum Dydlidum Allkiss of Divinebrae (Imp) TAF NAF
5th Viracocha Hot Diggity Dawg
Puppy Dog - Entries 4, 1 Abs
1st Nedlaw Trumpeter
2nd Trackfoot Orient Express
3rd - Dydlidum Allkiss of Divinebrae (Imp) TAF NAF
Junior Dog - Entries 5
1st Bellvalley Teen Spirit
2nd Huntshill Tornado
3rd Wenannou Scirocco
4th Linkenlees Lucas
5th Rosrodens Debonair
Yearling Dog - Entries 4
1st - Huntshill Tornado
2nd Nedlaw Quincey
3rd Fallowfield Chad (ai)
4th Linkenlees Lucas
Novice Dog - Entries 3, 1 Abs
1st Emorlen Foxtrot
2nd - Viracocha Hot Diggity Dawg
Graduate Dog - Entries 6, 1 Abs, 1 W/d
1st Janfrey Bosley
2nd Serenaker Hot As Ell
3rd Charterwood Fortune
4th Awreridge Waterbuck
Post Graduate Dog - Entries 6
1st Donay Fraser
2nd Cliffmere Mindful of Shercroft
3rd Rhiconic Finleigh
4th Troopersway Gladiator JW
5th Dialynne Solace At Gemark
Limit Dog - Entries 7, 1 Abs
1st Shercroft Apollo JW
2nd Lyndex Kieran
3rd Blunderhall Ray of Hope
4th Lanesend Segenhoe JW Sh CM
5th Rhiconich Jarvis
Open Dog - Entries 7, 2 Abs, 1 W/d
1st Ch Dialynne Peter Piper
2nd - Ch Annavah Felix
3rd Nedlaw Benedict With Maplelayne JW
4th Nedlaw Basil
Veteran Dog - Entries 5, 2 Abs
1st Ch Barrvale Overture
2nd - Barterhound Garrison
3rd Emorlen Xcalibur
Special Beginners Dog - Entries 2, 1 Abs
1st Rosrodens Debonair |