Championship Show
Sunday 6th November 2016
Judge :
Gavin Robertson (Soletrader)


Dog CC: Dialynne Peter Piper
Reserve Dog CC: Ch Eardley Stew Pendous
Best Puppy Dog: Fallowmill Chancer (ai)
Best Veteran Dog: Barrvale Excalibur
Minor Puppy Dog - Entries 9, 4 Abs
1st - Fallowfield Chancer (ai)
2nd - Cliffmere Mindful of Shercroft
3rd - Rhiconich Jarvis
4th - Blunderhall Veni Vidi Vici
5th - Canowindra D'Artagnan
Puppy Dog - Entries 2, 1 Abs
1st - Cliffmere Mindful of Shercroft
Junior Dog - Entries 3
1st - Dialynne Peter Piper
2nd - Boomerloo Merlins Magic
3rd - Bellvalley Ace of Spades
Yearling Dog - 5 Entries, 1 Abs
1st - Rossut Endeavoured
2nd - Donay Fraser
3rd - Shercroft Apollo JW
4th - Troopersway Gladiator
Novice Dog - 2 Entries
1st - Cliffmere Mindful of Shercroft
2nd - Eardley Walk The Talk at Tagahound
Graduate Dog - 2 Entries
1st - Donay Fraser
2nd - Troopersway Gladiator
Post Graduate Dog - 6 Entries, 1 Abs
1st - Fallowfield Adored at Rhiconich
2nd - Blunderhall Ray of Hope
3rd - Dialynne Solace at Gemark
4th - Dialynne Cover Story
5th - Bondlea Legion JW Sh CM
Limit Dog - 6 Entries
1st - Lanesend Segenhoe JW Sh CM
2nd - Boomerloo's Curly Wurly
3rd - Bondlea Layman
4th - Rhiconich Finleigh
5th - Donay Freeman at Troopersway
Open Dog - 6 Entries, 1 Abs
1st - Ch Eardley Stew Pendous JW
2nd - Annavah Felix
3rd - Bayard Follow the Trail
4th - Barrvale Zorro
5th - Bondlea Layman
Veteran Dog - 3 Entries, 1 Abs
1st - Barrvale Excalibur
2nd - Dialynne Numero Uno Sh CM
Special Beginners Dog - No Entries